Environmental management responds to "how to do" to get what posed by sustainable development, that is, to achieve an appropriate balance for economic development, population growth, rational use of resources and environmental conservation proteccióny.
Define the strategy by which organized activities affecting the environment in order to achieve an adequate quality of life by preventing or mitigating environmental problems is our goal.
BARCELONA | Pg. St. Joan 185, Entl. 3ª | 08037 Barcelona | t. 93 285 70 82 | f. 93 285 72 45 | sm@sistemasmedioambientales.com
MADRID | Avenida Brasil 17, 11ºF | 28020 Madrid | t. 91 449 02 33 | sm@sistemasmedioambientales.com
VALENCIA | C/ Fontanars dels Alforins 51, 3 E y F | 46014 Valencia | t. 960 059 163 | sm@sistemasmedioambientales.com