Since 2019 sm it is registered in the EMAS registry and makes an environmental declaration validated by an accredited environmental verifier.
EMAS is a voluntary tool that allows sm to assume an environmental and economic responsibility, improve its environmental behavior and communicate its environmental results to society and stakeholders.
EMAS defines an international environmental management and audit scheme, based on Regulation (EC) No.1221/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of November 25, 2009 on the voluntary participation of organizations in a community management and audit system Environmental (EMAS). This scheme includes, in turn, the requirements defined in ISO 14001 to which it adds its own requirements that make EMAS a model of excellence for environmental management based on continuous improvement.
Our incorporation in the EMAS registry allows us to:

- reduce the costs associated with the management of resources and waste
- minimize environmental risks and the risk of a fine for violation of environmental regulations
- meet regulatory requirements
- accept exemptions from environmental regulations (for example, in terms of reports and inspections)
- improve relations with internal and external stakeholders
- continuously improve our environmental performance
- get a competitive advantage by improving our credibility, transparency and good reputation among customers.
The EMAS registration process is transparent. To guarantee the credibility of the mechanism, a third independent entity accredited by ENAC has verified our environmental management system.
Benefits of the EMAS Regulation
In addition to the advantages associated with the implementation of an environmental management system, the EMAS Regulation helps us contribute to the development of a Circular Economy, since EMAS:
- It forces to establish environmental performance indicators to analyze and measure the efficient use of resources, from a life cycle perspective, and a risk-based thinking.
- It allows, not only to ensure legal compliance, but to anticipate the approval of new environmental requirements, which helps to minimize risks from a preventive approach and to identify new business opportunities.
- It necessarily requires the involvement of employees, making them aware of the importance of their participation in the management system. This approach is characteristic of the EMAS Regulation since its inception.
- The Environmental Declaration validated by an independent and accredited verifier is a powerful communication tool that helps the organization to value the effort derived from the implementation of an environmental management system. It also involves an exercise in transparency that is recognized by all interested parties, including public administrations.
- It is an engine for innovation, since by promoting continuous improvement, the organization has to investigate new objectives of reducing consumption, changes in processes, research of less polluting materials, etc.
We improve our environmental behavior every day with new objectives for saving and preventing waste in our company!
See certificatepdf